Becoming a UX designer, at least at the intermediate level, requires a combination of interpersonal skills and deep knowledge of profile tools that will allow you to create, lead and collaborate with deep confidence.

Sometimes, for example, you may need to present a finished project to a client, and sometimes you may need to design something, and you will need to be able to switch between these areas of activity as smoothly and quickly as possible.

In this article, we’ll break down the factors that make up a good UX. But before we continue, we’d like to recommend you an excellent SEO site that can do a lot of routine and complicated work for you. For example, if you need keyword position checking, you can easily do it there.

What does a UX designer do?

UX design has to do with the structure of the product and the comfort of using it. Any good UX designer has a wide range of skills – he should be well-versed in graphic design, social research, software development, and much more.

To be more specific, here is a list of the main duties of a designer in UX:

  1. Conducting surveys.
  2. Creating a portrait of the ideal customer.
  3. Developing a working prototype of the product.
  4. Creating a logical chain of using the product.
  5. Testing, making edits and changes based on the results of preliminary testing.

How to make a good UX: best practices

Here are some repeatedly proven practices that will help you create good UX.

Conduct usability tests

Understanding users is the UX designer’s first and foremost task. Some designers use analytics data and examine user profiles to understand how people interact with the product. The more you look at the people who use your product, the better you understand the problems they face.


Avoid information overload

In a world where almost everyone (if not everyone) is pressed for time, people long ago stopped reading text. They usually look through the screen in large blocks, snatching up the relevant and necessary information. To draw the user’s attention to important elements and help him navigate faster on the page, dilute the information with white space.

A white space is an empty area between or within design elements. Despite the name, white space doesn’t have to be white. It can be anything – and it’s not just about color but also about different elements. What’s really important here is that the user is able to perceive and absorb the written content without any problems.

What shouldn’t you do?

Now let’s go from the opposite direction. Here’s a list of what makes UX bad.

Use too much animation

Animation is a great way to improve the user experience because it helps you quickly read the essence of an item. For example, if you hover your cursor over a card and it zooms in, it’s immediately clear to click on it. But it is important not to cross the line when the animation begins to distract.

It’s worth studying the target audience and understanding the context of interaction with the service. For example, if you’ve entered the app with a clear purpose, you’re unlikely to want to see bouncing animation while it’s loading. In this case, you need to make the animation light and unobtrusive.

Allow text and consequences to conflict

Predictability is another property of a good interface. When interacting with the elements in a digital environment, everyone wants to clearly understand what the consequences of their actions will be. What do we mean?

For example, if a client wants to buy something, he should see a payment button with the exact amount of money he has to spend. He certainly won’t want to see “proceed” buttons – they won’t mean anything to him.

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