High-security encryption is about the existence of an algorithm that will be encrypted to store in a very secure way all the data that we have to enter when we want to log in to any web page. yes, it is with an AES type encryption of about 256 bits.

With this encryption, we will be able to store all the login data, along with others related to credit cards for example and many more types. You will even have the ability to create very secure passwords.

It also comes with certain applications that will be free and that has to do with the Stagenos Password Manager for Android, although they also have a version for iPhone consumers.

It works by making an automatic sounding of different types of clouds such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Microsoft, Dropbox or MagentaCLOUD, among other possibilities.

Steganos Privacy Suite

You have the possibility to access directly from any web browser with any type of accessories, some examples can be Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Authentication comes from two specific factors for key fobs that have AES-XEX type encryption with a total of 384 bits with NI acceleration to make protection that is perfect for snoopers, thieves or even intelligence services.

It is possible to create several safes with considerable space, of 2TB. If the safe is unlocked it will be fully integrated into the Windows operating system which resembles a disk drive for use with any type of application.

The configuration of these boxes is very easy from your own Wi-Fi network.


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